Side Projects
Real Minnesota Snowballs
When the Super Bowl is being hosted in your city, how do you greet visitors? I was asked to create an activation that would grab attention when the entire nation’s eyes were on Minnesota. The solution involved selling snowballs in the coldest state in America.
Roadmapping the Future of Mobility
With the speed of change in technology, how can you create a realistic look at the future? I tackled this challenge when building Roadmap for the Future of Mobility, a research project on the next fifty years in the automotive sector.
Prototyping in Virtual Reality
Using Sketch as a prototyping tool I created a series of simple VR experiences. This project shows my process of using Sketch and Mozilla's open source framework for creating a virtual reality experience within a browser.
Can I Stay with You While I Rent My Place on Airbnb?
As an Airbnb host, I've been interested in creating a service to connect hosts within cities. With the help of a small team, I built and released an "Airbnb for Airbnb" product. We launched on Product Hunt and the product was featured on Business Insider, Mashable, The Verge, and Engadget.